Our carriages are specially made for competition, training and leisure. We use state-of-the-art design and craftsmanship manufacturing to maximize the performance, speed, and safety. Whether you use it for pleasure, training, or competition, Champion carriage will be the finest carriage you'll ever own.

Call Us Today
Call Today!
"When you want to win, you need a Champion!"

Place Carriage Order Here  

Note: Send your order in via Fax (fax #: 404-601-9703, please download PDF fax order form from above)  or fill out the order form below:


Customers with credit card payment need to fill out a secured credit card payment form in order form.

For customers who's payments other than credit cards:

(1)   a).  Check payment: by mail:  Make check payable to

                             Animal Sports

                             2146 Roswell Road, Suite 108608

                             Marietta, GA 30062

        b).  Check payment by deposit directly into our bank account:

                             Make check payable to Animal Sports International

                             Then bring the check to any Wells Fargo branch near you,

                             and deposit the check in to our bank account directliy

                             Please call us to get our Bank Acc. #: 

                             Then email a notification to Championcarriage@att.net about 

                             the deposit amount and  deposit time.

(2) Domestic wire transfer payment

                             Please call us to get beneficiary account info

                             Wells Fargo Bank                             

                             Routing#:  121000248                                     

(3)  International wire transfer payment:

                              Wells Fargo Bank

                              International Bank Trade Service Center

                              SWIFT Code:  WFBIUS6S

                              Beneficiary name: Animal Sports International 

                              Please call to get beneficiary's account number

Please fill out the order form below
Animal Sports
2146 Roswell Road Ste. 108608
Marietta, GA 30062

email contact: championcarriage@att.net